The English Ibizan Hound Club.
The Hunting Dogs Of Ancient Egypt.
Sloughi Club Open Show 01.09.23.
Judge Mr R.J. Gunn.
My thanks to the officers and committee of the show for the invite to judge this truly magnificent breed at your show and thank you to my steward who kept things moving smoothly. A big thank you too all those who exhibited their dogs under me I thoroughly enjoyed the privilege of going over your hounds on the day.
Puppy 1 entry.
1st Carter Mrs A. Aabidah De Polvo Magico (IMP) Aus. Well-made elegant young bitch full of quality and showing great promise for the future. Beautiful wedge shaped head of correct proportions with dark oval eyes and triangular well set ears all carried well by her slightly arched neck of moderate length. Clean neat front with good length of shoulder and strong pasterns. Ample depth of chest with sufficient spring of rib and nice tuck up to her muscular short loin. Well made in her moderately angulated rear with strong well-muscled thighs. On the move she covered the ground with an effortless gait. Best Puppy In Breed.
Open Dog 2 entries
. 1st Woodgate Mrs H.C & Boggia Miss C. & De-Souza Xandu Khan Schuru Esch Schams. I loved this stunning male so pleasing on the eye and whilst going over him, I could easily have taken him home with me. Masculine, strong yet elegant in his outline he has a typical wedge shaped head with equal length of muzzle and skull with a slight stop. Dark, oval eyes set well giving a distinctive wistful expression and a triangular shaped ear folding down and carried close to his head all carried well by his slightly arched neck of ample length. Well made in his front with obliquely set long shoulders, strong pasterns and nice oval feet. His body has ample width and depth with slightly sprung ribs extending well back to his short, slightly arched muscular loin. His rear compliments his front perfectly with long, muscular second thighs, moderate angulation and well let down strong hocks. He was expertly handled demonstrating a very free and effortless gait around the ring with ample extension from his front. Best Dog, Best Of Breed and pleased to say he went on to win Best In Show.
2nd Godfrey Mr B. & Atkinson Mr M. Gwasila Nuri Al Baida At Longhedge (IMP DEU). Handsome brindle dog well-made throughout and presented in excellent condition. Correct in his head and eye giving that typical wistful expression. Well-made front with ample muscle to his obliquely set shoulders and ample depth to his body. Powerful well-muscled rear which complimented his front perfectly. He again moved so effortlessly with ample front extension.
Open bitch 2 entries 1 absentee.
1st Clark Mrs K. Magida Sabiih Al Sahra At Thiefside (IMP DEU) ShCEX Beautiful bitch of correct size and so full of breed type and presented in excellent condition. Loved her feminine wedge shaped head of correct proportions with her typical expression from her dark oval eyes set slightly obliquely all carried well by her slightly arched neck. Well-made front with long shoulder blades set correctly onto her body which has ample depth to just above her elbows. Well ribbed back with a nice tuck up leading to her muscular short, slightly arched loin and well set on tail of correct length. Well-made rear with moderate angulation, well-muscled thighs and good strong well let down hocks. On the move she covered the ground with ample reach from her front and with a typical effortless gait. Best Bitch and Reserve Best Of Breed.
Veteran Dog or Bitch 2 entries 1 absentee.
1st Godfrey Mr B. & Atkinson Mr M. Sahsheer Ishara At Longhedge ShCM. Handsome 9 year old dog well balanced both in his outline and whilst moving. Typical wedge shaped head of correct proportions with oval dark eyes and his ears set neatly in line carried close to his skull. Well made in his front with good length of shoulders and strong pasterns set neatly around his chest of ample depth and reasonably well ribbed. Good strong well-muscled rear which complimented his front and enabled him to cover the ground effortlessly with a free and smooth action. Best Veteran In Breed.
How lovely it was to judge the Sloughi breed at their club show in conjunction with Hunting Dogs of Ancient Egypt, hosted by The English Ibizan Hound Club and Birmingham City Championship Show. I had a wonderful entry of 8 dogs of which I thank the exhibitors for those entries.
. 1st - Godfrey & Atkinson’s Gwasila Nuri Al Baida At Longhedge (imp Deu). Lovely brindle male full of quality. A good long wedge head with correct gentle stop and good eye shape and colour. A very refined, gentle expression. The ears were in the correct place sitting slightly above the eye line and lying close to the cheeks. Slightly arched long neck into excellent front quarters. Good straight topline into correct rear angulation with good flat muscle. Moved out well today, effortlessly covering the ground. BD BOB
1st - Woodgate & Boggia’s Xandu Khan Schuru Esch Schams. Loved this dog’s head, Super length of foreface and skull with slight stop. Strong underjaw and level planes. Eyes set correctly and with good colour. Ears also set on correctly above the eyeline and with good rounded tips. Good front proportions showing prosternum and good lay of shoulder. Limbs straight. Level topline into good rear quarters with flat muscle and short hock. Movement was good from side profile but coming and going, he was lifting his pasterns. RBD
1st - Clark’s Magida Sabiih Al Sahra At Thiefside (imp Deu). Fawn bitch I have much admired as she has grown. Good head planes of equal length and soft stop into flat skull. Good eye colour and shape and correct ear set and shape. Slightly arched neck into excellent shoulder placement and upper arm of correct length. Straight limbs and short strong pasterns. Level topline into correct rear angulation which balanced with the front. Long flat muscle and strong hocks and rear pasterns, Moved out well with a long stride covering the ground effortlessly. Would like a little stronger underjaw but a superb bitch over all. BB
Veteran D/B
- 1st Godfrey & Atkinson’s Sasheer Ishara At Longhedge Sh.cm. Beautiful type of hound, strongly built with good shape and condition. His head fit’s the breed standard and as well as correct proportions, he showed strength in the underjaw with thin lips with good scissor bite. Long arched neck into excellent angulation showing good lay back of shoulder and correct junction of upper arm. Showing depth of chest and protruding prosternum. Level topline into excellent rear angulation. Well let down hock. Moved out really well, covering the ground lightly and placing feet in line with the body. BV
Jill Morris Anharbn
I would like to start by saying a huge thank you to the sloughi club committee for asking me to judge their club show. I have had a lifelong interest and love for this special breed and I have had the great pleasure of owning and showing them. A delightful breed to live with. The sloughis present today where all of excellent quality and type and all displayed excellent temperaments too. As a hunting dog, the correct condition is essential and I am delighted to find them all in excellent muscular condition and carrying enough condition to enable them all to be fit for function.
Class 1 Veteran Dog
1st was Atkinson & Godfrey's Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge ShCM 7-year-old dog, sand with black mask. Strongly built dog. Masculine head with large eye displaying the correct wistful expression. Correct-shaped, triangular ears carried correctly. Scissor bite. Long neck with correct front. Body well-developed with correct tuck up and croup and correct shape. Good hindquarters with long well developed second thigh. Correct feet. On the move he is free and effortless, clean coming and going and very much looks the part in profile. In excellent condition.
Class 2 Veteran Bitch
1st was Chapman-Damms' Int/Dutch/Bel CH Sahsheer shaina Khali 7-year-old bitch, sand with black mask. Feminine bitch. Lovely head with large eye and has that far-away exotic expression. Correctly shaped and held ears. Scissor bite. Long neck into correct front. Correct body, well muscled and correctly held top-line. Strong hindquarters, with correct muscling. Correct feet. On the move she freely and effortlessly covered the ground without exaggeration. Tail carried well on the move.
Class 3 Special Veteran dog or bitch over 10yrs
1st was Clark's Falconcrag Daiouni of Thiefside 11½ years old sand bitch. Another feminine bitch who really thought this showing lark was so yesterday. She really made me smile. Pretty head, with the required dark eye. Neat ears, which she tended to carry folded back. Scissor bite. Good length of neck into correct front. Mature body with good condition and muscle tone. Correct feet. Showing her age in her hindquarters now, but really moves out well and soundly and to complete the picture carries her tail well.
Class 4 Puppy no entries
Class 5 Special Yearling
1st was Atkinson & Godfrey Gwasila Nuri Al Baida Just under 2 years old brindle dog. Solidly-built dog. Masculine head with correct eye which matches coat colour and has the correct expression. Correctly shaped and carried ears. Scissor bite. Long neck into correct front. Good body development for his age, with strongly held top-line. Has excellent muscle tone. Correct feet. Strong hindquarters. Moves well in profile, but today I felt he just needed to settle in front, but this I am sure will come with maturity. Tail carried correctly.
Class 6 Post Grad
1st was Smith's Luke Lacar Manhanajim IMP DEU Just over 18months old sand dog with black mask. Such a handsome young dog. Excels in head and expression with lovely dark eye and correct ears held correctly. Scissor bite. Long neck into desired front. Good body development for age, which just needs to mature and develop further. Another young dog with excellent muscle tone. Correct feet and hindquarters. Today needed to settle in movement. Just a little loose and immature, but shows well when more settled. Correct tail, displaying the sloughi curve which so many do not have.
Class 7 Limit no entries
Class 8 Open dog
1st was Woodgate Boggia & De Souza's Xandu Khan Schuru-esch-Schams IMP 3-year-old dog, sand with black mask. A handsome and refined dog. Correct head with dark eye, and with the correct wistful expression. Correct ears held correctly. Scissor bite. Long neck into correct front. Correct body with strong well-muscled hindquarters. Correct feet. Totally full of himself today which affected his tail carriage. Moved out with an effortless gait. A real joy to watch, really loved him.
Class 9 Open Bitch
1st was Clark's Magida Sabiih Al Sahra at Thiefside IMP 3-year-old bitch, sand with black mask. What a stunning young lady. Classic, correct head with large dark eye with that exotic look. Correct ear shape, carried correctly. Long neck into correct front. Excellent body with correct condition and muscling. Well-held top-line. Correct feet and strong hindquarters, with correct long second thigh. Carried her tail correctly on the move. Moved out well, with an effortless stride. A truly delightful girl.
Class 10 Open Brindle
1st was Atkinson & Godfrey Gwasila Nuri Al Baida
Class 11 Open Black Mantle No entries
Class 12 Bred by Exhibitor No Entries
Class 13 Not Bred by Exhibitor
1st Smith's Luke Lacar Manhanajim IMP DEU
2nd Chapman-Damms' Int/Dutch/Bel CH Sahsheer Shaina Khali
3rd Atkinson & Godfrey's Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge
Class 14 Good Citizen Dog scheme
1st was Atkinson & Godfrey's Gwasila Nuri Al Baida
2nd Atkinson & Godfrey's Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge
Judge Mrs Amanda Carter
I’d like to thank the Sloughi Club of the UK for the wonderful opportunity and invitation to judge the 20th anniversary show. It was a wonderful event attended by 13 lovely dogs, and their lively owners. The weather cooperated perfectly and it was not too hot, giving the dogs a good opportunity to show well in an outdoor venue.
Class 1-Veteran Dog:
1st was Lizanthe al Zakuri, ShCM
A pleasing black mantle male clearly aging well that has not coarseness with age; correct head profile, true/honest mover from all viewpoints with corresponding front and rear angulation. Correct depth of chest.
2nd was Croat. Ch. Farouk Farid Of Love Of Arab Beauty, a lovely 9 year old with much bone and correct height, excellent temperament. Could have benefited from shorter loin.
Class 2: Veteran Bitches
1st was Falconcrag Daiouni Of Thiefside with correct profile, head planes and ear set; pleasing length of neck that blended well onto correct, flat bladed shoulders, producing exceptional movement, once she decided she was enjoying herself!
2nd was Lizanthe al Zahara with a lovely expression and beautiful dark eye; she moved well but could have used a bit more neck to present a more pleasing picture of proportions.
Class 4: Junior Dog
1st Xandu Khan Schuru-each-Schams has a lot going for him and pressed hard for Best Male. He is a lovely example of breed type with a correct headpiece with proper headpiece/expression and dark eye. Neck is well set on good shoulders, but front assembly and movement needs to mature. Rear assembly moved to near perfection and was in excellent condition. On this day he did not use himself to his best advantage, but will no doubt be a top contender in the future.
Class 5: Limit Dog/Bitch
1st was Magida Sabiih al Sahra at Thiefside, a feminine Sloughia from head to tail, but with enough strength to do the job for which she was bred. Soft expression, keen on her handler, with strong, elegant neck blending into shoulders that were not overly straight, which made for pleasing, effortless, ground-covering gait. Rear angulation was moderate with well let down hocks. Angulation of front and rear worked in perfect harmony so that movement was the sum of all parts.
2nd was Ibtihaj Of Love Of Arab Beauty which possessed a lovely temperament, and was very focused on her handler; good length of neck was evident as was conditioning.
Class 6: Open Dog (sand):
1st was Multi Ch. Sahsheer Sandara, a handsome sand male of excellent quality and type of correct moderate size; excellent proportions of body to leg length. Honest/sound mover from any angle.
2nd was Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge, ShCM, that was nearly identical to the class winner; also of excellent quality, but on a slightly larger frame. Well proportioned also, but in this case, size made the difference.
Class 7: Open Dog/Brindle:
No entries
Class 8: Open Dog: Black Mantle
Lizanthe Al Zakuri, ShCM
Class 9: Open Bitch (Sand)
1st was Int. Ch Sandara Shiana Khali with correct head, bite and a lovely expression. She possessed lovely breed type; a sound mover with style and purpose. Was in beautiful condition.
2nd was Int. Bel. Dut. Ch Falconcrag Sahsheer who has a nice head, was a good mover; could have used a bit more length of neck and loin for perfection.
Class 10: Open Bitch: Brindle:
No entries
Class 11: Open Bitch: Black Mantle
1st Lizanthe Al Zulika was the first place entry and was more refined in type; good mover on the go around. Good head, excellent temperament as well.
Best Dog was Lizanthe al Zakuri. His maturity in terms of conditioning and overall physique gave him the award on this day.
Reserve Best Dog went to Xandu Khan Schuru-Esch-Schrams, who pressed the Best Dog, in every way possible. I think he will be a big winner when he settles into himself and uses himself to his best advantage. He is a lovely, spirited dog that oozes breed type.
Best Bitch was Magida Sabiih Al Sahra at Thiefside who ruled the ring the minute she entered it. As said earlier, she is the essence of breed type, and nothing further can be said.
Reserve Best Bitch was Int Ch Sahsheer Shiana Khali who was especially lovely headed and moved well on the go around.
Best in Show was Magida Sabiih Al Sahra at Thiefside
Reserve Best in Show was Lizanthe Al Zakuri
Beat Opposite Sex in Show was Lizanthe al Zukuri
Best Veteran in Show was
Lizanthe al Zukari
Class 12: Best Progeny Dog or Bitch:
Int. Ch. Sahsheer Shiana Khali
Class 13: Bred by Exhibitor Dog/Bitch
Lizanthe al Zakuri
Class 14: Not Bred by Exhibitor Dog/Bitch
1st place: Int. Ch. Sahsheer Shiana Khali
2nd place: Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge, ShCM
Class 15: Canine Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog/Bitch
1st place: Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge, ShCM
Nancy Lovelady (USA)
The Sloughi Club Open Show 17th July 2018
Many thanks to the club for what was a most enjoyable judging appointment. I really enjoyed my morning with you all and was impressed with your hospitality and warm welcome. I wish the club and the breed well for the future.
Veteran Dog 2 (1)
1 Hudson’s Croa Ch. Farouk Farid of Love Arab Beauty at Glencathra (Imp Fra) 8 year old sand dog in lovely condition, masculine in outlook and has an air about him, well made throughout moved and showed well.
Vereran Bitch 3 (1)
1 Davis’s Int. Bel. Dutch Ch. Falconcrag Sahsheer 8 year old girl again in lovely condition feminine head dark eye, balanced angulation and sound steady mover.
2 Cox’s Falconcrag Gazia at Papyrus at 10 years old this bitch thought the showing lark was a bit beneath her today she is a nice overall shape in good condition but I think at home on the sofa is what she prefers, bless her.
Puppy Dog or Bitch 1
1 Clark’s Magida Sabiih Al Sahra at Thiefside (Imp) lovely puppy bitch who shows so much promise for the future nice size lovely head eye and ears, good reach of neck, good ribbing and balanced quarters, in excellent coat, body and condition, really liked her. BP and Res BB.
Junior Dog or Bitch 1
1 Clark’s Magida Sabiih Al Sahra at Thiefside (Imp)
Limit Dog 2 (1)
1 Hudson’s Croa Ch. Farouk Farid of Love Arab Beauty at Glencathra (Imp Fra)
Open Dog (Sand) 2
Two lovely dogs, different but both a lot to like.
1 Atkinson’s Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge ShCM really was taken with this dog today masculine dog with a great head and expression, strong neck leading onto correct shoulder and topline, good ribbing, balanced quarters and a sound mover, impressive with a primitive look about him, my BIS winner today.
2 Smith’s Multi Int. Ch.Sahsheer Sandara whilst litter brother to the winner he is somewhat different in overall balance, somewhat heavier throughout but still retains houndiness about him he is a lovely dog to go over always puts in a great performance and has been a great ambassador for the breed Res Best Dog and Res BIS.
Open Dog (Brindle) 0
Open Dog (Black Mantle) 1
1 Porteous-Thompson’s Lizanthe Al Zakuri ShCM tall masculine upstanding dog who was in lovely condition, masculine head well balanced fore and aft and moved and showed in a decisive manner.
Open Bitch (Sand) 4
1 No Owners name given Int. Bel. Dut. Ch. Sahsheer Shiana Khali really feminine bitch good head and ears, good neck leading to correct front and topline, balanced hindquarters a lovely typy bitch who moved soundly and showed well, my Best Bitch.
2 Hudson’s Ibtihaj of Love Arab Beauty Glencathra (Imp Fra) nice feminine bitch liked her overall balance not as tidy in hind movement going away as 1.
3 Davis’s Int Bel. Dutch Ch Falconcrag Saheer
Open Bitch (Brindle) 0
Open Bitch (Black Mantle) 1
1 Porteous –Thompson”s Lizanthe Al Zulika feminine bitch in lovely condition, nice head and eye well proportioned body and an easy mover.
Progeny Dog or Bitch 3 (2)
1 Davis’s Int Bel Dutch Ch. Falconcrag Sahsheer Well this bitch certainly proved her worth being the dam of BIS, Res BIS and Best Bitch. Says it all really, congratulations.
Bred By Exhibitor Dog or Bitch 1
1 Porteous-Thompson’s Lizanthe Al Zakuri
Not Bred By Exhibitor Dog or Bitch 2
1 Atkinson’s Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge ShCM
2 Davis’s Int Bel Dutch Ch Falconcrag Sahsheer
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog or Bitch 1
Atkinson’s Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge ShCM
Wendell Moore
Results of the Sloughi Club's Open Show held in conjuction with the Hound Association. I would like to thank the officers and committee for the invitation to judge their Club Open Show. Also the very sporting exhibitors. I was made very welcome and enjoyed my day even though the weather tried to upset things.
VD 3 (2) 1st Hudson's Croa Ch Farouk Farid Of Love Arab at Glencathra (Imp Fra) Upstanding and very together at just over 7 looking in his prime. Strong jawed and correct in head. Neckarched into well laidback shoulder. Topline held on the move BV
VB 4 (3) 1st Clark's Falconcrag Daiouni of Thiefside. Very feminine, with a pretty head. Good in shoulder, depth and quarters. Stood on excellent feet. Moved well behind. A little loose in front.
PD/B, JD/B, PGD. 0
LD 4 (1) 1st Marston- Pollock's Sahsheer D'Jarra at Falconcrag. Masc in head with correct eye and ear placement. Lovely arched neck and well placed shoulders. Correct in front, great depth of chest into well shaped underline, then his lovely quarters which he used on his flowing movement. BD & BIS.
2nd Atkinson & Godfrey's Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge. Litter brother to 1st and a lot of the same comments apply. Handsome in profile just lost out in movement.
3rd Page's Lii zanthe Zayn Amir. Heavier built but still in the standard. A fine looking dog.
OD 2 !st Smith's Sahsheer Sandara ,Handsome headed with lovely reach of neck. Excellent laydack of shoulder. Good front and depth of chest into a lovely tuck up. Movement was lovely to watch and I was spliiting hairs between him and the best dog but they are litter brothers. RBD What a fantastic litter this is.
2nd Collins and Baker's Doocloone Dammar Obi of Indira. Vweery attractive in head withshaded mask. Good front and feet. topline and quarters . Moved O K.
PG 2 (1) 1st Hudson's Ibtihaj of Love Arab Beauty Glencathra (Imp Fra) Beautiful headed, elegant neck. Wel laidback in shoulder and correct in front. Good depth of chest flowed into ger correct tuck up. Just right in hindquarters Beautiful on the move BB & RBIS.
OB 2 (1) 1st,Chapman-Dames Int Ch Sahsheer Shiana Khali. A beautiful Headed litter sister to my winning dogs. A lovely outline, Correct in quarters front and back. Excellent in movement.. RBB
GCDS/D or B. Atkinson & Godfrey's Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge.
Progeny D/B Davies' Int, Bel, Dutch CH Falconcrag Sahsheer. A beautiful girl at 8 years and mother to the winning dogs etc. She has passed on all her qualities . She moved well coming and going
Judge Barbara Henry.
Vet Dog
1: Nr 3 D’Jalal-Mansour at Doocloone d’al Mahdi (Imp Fra)
A proper male Sloughi with correct movement, sound and of good type, ears carried correctly
2: Nr 8 Falconcrag Gazia at Papyrus
Good type bitch, correct body and angulation, female expression, ears carried folded back – a pity.
3: Nr 15 Falconcrag Shukira of Lizanthe
Very light in build, lacking substance in my opinion, chest not very deep, ears carried folded back.
Post grad dog
1 Nr 2: Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge
Nice standing – lines and head correct, good body. Unfortunately front movement paddling and crossing
Limit Dog
1 Nr 14 Lizanthe Zayn Amir
Head a bit heavy, lacking elegance. Well muscled. Front movement rather high stepping. In Continental terms ‘very good’ at most.
Open Dog
1 Nr 12 Ch Farouk Farid of Love Akab Beauty at Glencathra (Imp Fra) Res BIS
Crème coloured, correct silhouette, ears rather low set. Well balanced. Correct angulation.
2: Nr 17 Lizanthe al Zakuri
Crème, black mantle, very elegantly built for a male, matching head, especially elegant in muzzle, croup rather strongly slanting
3: Nr 7 Doocloone Dammar Obi of Indira
Black masked cream, good type, lacking in movement.
Post Grad Bitch
1: Nr 5 Jdya at Doocloone (ImpLMO) – sorry, no notes
Limit Bitch
1 Nr 6 Falconcrag Daiouni of Thiefside Res BB
Sound in build and consequently in movement. Ears folded, not hanging free.
2 Nr 13 Ibithaj of Love Arab Beauty Clencathra (Imp Fra)
Lovely standing but rear action just not correct in the least.
3 Nr 19 Lizanthe al Zulika Black mantled brindle, very fine head and fine long muzzle, ears laid back, rather long in format, completely straight in topline, movement a bit erratic.
Open Bitch
1 Nr 11 Sahsheer Shiana Khali Best Bitch
Cream coloured bitch, elegant female, nice head but ears carried folded back. Nice lines, movement OK.
2 Nr 16 Lizanthe al Zahrana
Tall, cream coloured, well muscled. Head very fine, ears carried half folded. Rear movement not really correct.
Any other Colour than Sand – dog or bitch
1 Nr 4 Doocloone Dounia Fareedat
Elegant black mantle, good head, well carried ears, most typical overall in this class.
2 Nr 19 Lizanthe al Zulika as above
3 Nr 18 Lizanthe al Zamir
Light grey brindle – a very unusual colour, rather narrow chest, viewed from the front, but deep. Tall and longish in outline with head matching the hyper-elegant type. Ears folded. Movement not really typical of the breed.
Judge: Gabrielle Schroeter.