Sunday 16th June saw us holding our 4th show in recent years and the second with the EIHC. Thanks to Grant Carter, the Committee and members of The English Ibizan Hound Club for allowing us to share their venue at Baginton Village Hall.
Our judge for the day was Mrs Nancy Lovelady who came all the way from California to judge our hounds. Please see her resume below. Once again our chief steward was Barrie Davies.
We had a good entry of 16 dogs but 3 of these were not for competition and unfortunately there was another 1 absent. The show was held outdoors, and with the exception of a few gusts of strong winds the weather was very kind to us, the rain managed to hold off although it did come back with a heavy shower in the middle of the Ibizan hound judging unfortunately.
Once again we held a raffle with many lovely prizes donated by members, the proceeds from this, and the kitchen takings which was manned by our club members and friends was donated to Candy Cane which helps greyhounds and other breeds who have ended up in the meat trade in China. In total a payment of £120.00 has been sent to them. Thanks to everyone who supported the raffle and the kitchen.
We would like to thank everyone for their generosity with prizes and donations towards the beautiful rosettes that we were able to present to the principal winners. Special thanks must go to Katie Weightman for volunteering to be our photographer for the day and for the superb photos.
Mrs N Lovelady:
I have been a secondary school teacher in English/History for 25 years. My husband, jim and I have 3 boys, 25 and 23 year old twins.
I am a second generation Cairn breeder/handler/owner and have made up 50 homebred champions. I was also a professional terrier groomer for 15 years until my hands gave up with carpal tunnel issues.
I attended Crufts in 2000 and saw the Falconcrag Sloughis back then, I moved into Deerhounds but after health issues in the breed I decided to buy a Sloughi which are less prone to health problems and are easier to keep.
I have attended and shown in FCI shows in Mexico and am currently licensed to judge AKC, half the terrier group and Sloughis and Deerhounds in the Hound group.
I am currently showing my 2 Sloughis in the US, they are almost made up but this is a difficult process when the next closest Sloughis are 7 hours south of me!
Best Dog Lizanthe al Zakuri ShCM
Reserve Best Dog Xandu Khan Schuru-esch-Schams
Best Bitch Magida Sabiih al Sahra at Thiefside
Reserve Best Bitch Int Ch Sahsheer Shiana Khali
BEST IN SHOW Magida Sabiih al Sahra at Thiefside
RESERVE BIS Lizanthe al Zakuri ShCM
BEST OPPOSITE SEX Lizanthe al Zakuri ShCM
BEST AOC BUT SAND Lizanthe al Zakuri ShCM
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW Lizanthe al Zakuri ShCM
Class 1. Veteran Dog (4, 2 abs)
1st Lizanthe al Zakuri ShCM
2nd Croa Ch Farouk Farid of Love Arab Beauty at Glencathra.
Class 2, Veteran Bitch (4, 1abs)
1st Falconcrag Daiouni of Thiefside
2nd Lizanthe al Zahrana
3rd Int Ch Falconcrag Sahsheer
Class 3 Puppy dog/bitch no entries
Class 4 Junior dog/bitch (1)
1st Xandu Khan Schuru-esch-Schams
Class 5, Limit dog/bitch (2)
1st Magida Sabiih al Sahra at Thiefside
2nd Ibtihaj of Love Arab Beauty Glencathra
Class 6. Open Dog (sand) (3, 1abs)
1st Multi Ch Sahsheer Sandara
2nd Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge ShCM
Class 7 Open Dog brindle no entries
Class 8 Open Dog (black mantle) (1)
1st Lizanthe al Zakuri ShCM
Class 9 Open Bitch (sand) (3)
1st Int Ch Sahsheer Shiana Khali
2nd Int Ch Falconcrag Sahsheer
3rd Ibtihaj of Love Arab Beauty Glencathra
Class 10 Open Bitch (brindle) no entries
Class 11 Open Bitch (black mantle) (1)
1st Lizanthe Al Zulika
Class 12 Progeny
Class 13 Bred by Exhibitor (1)
1st Lizanthe al Zakuri ShCM
Class 14 Not Bred by Exhibitor (3)
1st Int Ch Sahsheer Shiana Khali
2nd Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge ShCM
3rd Int Ch Falconcrag Sahsheer
Class 15 Good Citizens (1)
1st Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge ShCM
Photos courtesy of Katie Weightman