Photo courtesy of Tom Casentieri
This year due to the limited number of sloughis available for showing in the UK we were unable to justify the expense of holding our own stand alone show. Fortunately The English Ibizan Hound Club once again came to our assistance and agreed to let us hold our show as part of The Hunting Dogs of Ancient Egypt Show held on 2nd September 2022. This show was held in conjunction with the City of Birmingham Championship Show at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. Thanks go to Grant Carter and the committee of the EIHC for once again allowing us to share their show.
Our judge for the day was Mrs Jill Morris, who is well known to the club and is in fact on our A list of judges. On paper we had a good entry of 8 but for various reasons we ended with an entry of 4.
The results were as follows:
Post Graduate Dog or Bitch
Gwaslia Nuri Al Baida at Longhedge (Imp Deu)
Open Dog
Xandu Khan Shuru Esch Schams (Imp Deu)
Open Bitch
Magida Sabiih Sahra At Thiefside ShCEx (Imp Deu)
Veteran Dog or Bitch
Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge ShCM
Best of Breed and Best in Show
Gwasila Nuri Al Baida at Longhedge (Imp Deu)
Best Opposite Sex
Magida Sabiih al Sahra At Thiefside (Imp Deu)
Best Veteran
Sahsheer Ishara at Longhedge ShCM
The club receved a selection of cards from Gabriele Schroeter depicting some of her sloughi drawings. It was agreed that these cards should be offered for sale, as we were unable to hold a raffle this year and the proceeds would go towards the club funds. Many thanks to Gabriele for her continued generosity. The cards proved to be very popular.
A Few Photos from the show